. From Stanislavov to Stropkov.                  

        When a new Redemptorist monastery was established in Stanislavov (today Ivanofrankivsk) on January 8, 1920, Fr. Metod was among the members of this first community. They had a lot of work, so much work that, as he himself writes in a letter to his superiors, there was no time for missions, but they were still considered for the future. The fathers resided in the Eparchial Seminary and Fr. Charnetsky even performed the function of the spiritual director. It was just a temporary situation since it was written in a letter of September 1921, that he now lived in the house that belongs to the Redemptorists.
        In August 1921, Fr. Metod attended the Velehrad Congress and gathering of Marian Groups where he probably learned about a new Redemptorist monastery in Stropkov. It was accepted by the superiors with the intention that the Redemptorists of both rites would work there, that is Latin Rite as well as Byzantine. His joy over this undertaking was expressed in these words: I rejoiced especially with the news that at least a temporary nest was under construction in Sub-Carpatia. Fr. Nekula and I cannot wait until we receive the call to come back to start work in the Czech Province among the believers of Byzantine-Slav Rite. Thank God that Czech Province will finally begin work on its old task. Fr. Provincial, Mezirka, recalled Fr. Trcka and Fr. Nekula from Halic at the beginning of October 1921. Initially, they celebrated the Holy Liturgies in St. Kajetan Temple in Prague in the Chapel of Sorowful Mother of God. Fr. Trcka, after a month long stay in Prague, took the night express train to Stropkov. Right after his arrival to East Slovakia, he saw that the circumstances here were different from those he expected and was accustomed to in Halic. He writes about it himself: Different country, different customs, and traces of the previous non-Slovanic ruler are in the soul of people. A monster of regression rises in the background. Out of love to our holy preachers of the faith, Cyril and Methodius and out of gratitude for the light of faith that they had brought us, let us take courage to work on preserving the holy faith for these good Ruthenian people!

        From the very beginning, he became the minister in the Stropkov Community and vicar to the rector. However, the monastery and the church they received as a gift, were in a desolate state. Therefore its reconstruction lasted till October 1922. Fr. Metod, after the Easter in 1922, described the situation in this way: I do not know for how long it will be my dwelling because we, - who are of Ruthenian Rite, - have to look for our own monastery. And to look for a new monastery means making a new building out of rubble.

        Hneď od začiatku bol ministrom stropkovského domu a zástupcom rektora. Darovaný kláštor a kostol však boli v dezolátnom stave, preto až do októbra 1922 trvala jeho rekonštrukcia. Po Veľkej noci v roku 1922 o. Metod opisoval situáciu takto: "...na jak dlouho bude mím bydlištěm, nevím, poněvadž si máme - my ruského obřadu hledat svůj nový klášter. A hledat nový klášter, to značí ze ssutin udělat novou budovu....".